# Filename:  tunnel.conf
# Description:  This is the configuration file for the tunnel and pulse sections of the 
# ssh_tunnel program.  The contents of this file can be changed during program execution.
# It is important not to change the formatting of the file because it is processed
# using perl which is expecting things to be in certain locations.
# tunnel.conf has three sections:
# 1. Configuration information such as email addresses and thresholds.
# 2. The ssh host configuration for the tunnel.  This consists of two
#    host definitions, tunnel and heartbeat.  The tunnel is the permanent
#    connection and defines port forwarding.  The heartbeat uses one of 
#    the forwarded ports to write and copy heartbeat files between the
#    ssh client and the ssh server.  Changing heartbeats indicate that the
#    tunnel is functioning.
# 3. The webpage configuration section as described below.  This has the
#    ssh host configuration for updating a webpage on a webserver.
# The following section contains configuration information.  DON'T REMOVE the
# leading pound sign (#).  The lines must be commented or the files won't work
# for ssh.
# The tunnel is either "enabled" or "disabled" based on the value given
# below.  If disabled, then no processes are running on either the
# client or the server.  A cron job on the client runs ssh_tunnel.pl periodically
# to check if tunnel.conf has changed on the server.  If a change is detected
# then the new tunnel.conf file is transfered over.  If the tunnel state
# becomes "enabled" then the tunnel is activated.
# TUNNEL_STATE enabled
# The email addresses below receive diagnostic messages.  Separate
# multiple addresses with commas and no white space.  The word "none"
# turns off email sending and is the default.  The same email address
# is used by cron, loader, tunnel, and pulse.
# EMAIL_ADDRESS     none
# The threshold defined below is how many port failures are required
# before an email is sent.  Set this to "none" to turn this off.  If
# the ssh_server's ssh port isn't accessible then the loader kills 
# the tunnel.  This periodic email serves as a reminder that the tunnel
# is enabled but down.
# The loader, tunnel, and pulse programs all have the same sleep value.
# The sleep time can be changed here.  It should be in the range of
# 60 to 3600 seconds.  Shorter sleep times increase system loading.
# The sleep time must be less than half the crontab time for ssh_tunnel.pl.
# SLEEP_TIME        300
# The following section is the ssh config file for the tunnel program.
# IMPORTANT!  The path on the client MUST have the SSH_SERVER name in
# it.  The script uses this name is search strings and it MUST be there.
# The ssh_server must be configured to allow remote port forwarding.  This 
# is normally off by default in the ssh_server's sshd_config file.  
# Set "GatewayPorts yes" in sshd_config.
# Important info about port numbers used in the "ssh_tunnel" and "heartbeat"
# sections below.  The "heartbeat" Port number must be the same as the last
# two port numbers in the "ssh_tunnel" section.  In this example 50022 is
# used.  The port number used must be unused by anything else on the two
# machines.  If you have multiple tunnels connecting to a single ssh_server
# be sure to use different port numbers.  The last two lines both use the
# name "localhost".  You could put the actual names of the ssh server and
# client instead, but using localhost is safest. If the machine's name
# were changed the tunnel would no longer work.  Using "localhost" guarantees
# the forwarding will work even if the machine's name changes.  The other 
# RemoteForward lines forward ports on the ssh server to ports on machines 
# on the LAN where the ssh client resides. These aren't required and should 
# be removed if not needed.
Host tunnel
HostName ssh_server_WAN_domain_name
Port = 22
UserKnownHostsFile = /path/must/have/SSH_SERVER/name/in/it/known_hosts
User = user_login_name_on_server
IdentityFile = /path/must/have/SSH_SERVER/name/in/it/id_rsa.private_key_name
Compression = yes
RemoteForward = 55920 machine1_name:5920
RemoteForward = 55925 machine2_name:5925
RemoteForward = 55995 machine3_name:5995
RemoteForward = 50022 localhost:22
LocalForward = 50022 localhost:22

Host heartbeat
HostName localhost
Port = 50022
UserKnownHostsFile = /path/must/have/SSH_SERVER/name/in/it/known_hosts
User = user_login_name_on_server
IdentityFile = /path/must/have/SSH_SERVER/name/in/it/id_rsa.private_key_name

Host pulse
HostName localhost
Port = 50022
UserKnownHostsFile = /path/must/have/SSH_CLIENT/name/in/it/known_hosts
User = user_login_name_on_client
IdentityFile = /path/must/have/SSH_CLIENT/name/in/it/id_rsa.private_key_name

# Note: This section must be last in tunnel.conf.
# A webpage will be copied to the directory set by WEBSERVER_DIR below.  The
# default value "none" turns this feature off.  Change "none" to the directory
# path where the webpage should be copied.  The "webpage" host information 
# below must also be changed to valid values to make this work.
# WEBSERVER_DIR     none
# The filename of the webpage copied to the webserver defaults to
# SSH_CLIENT_to_SSH_SERVER.html.  To choose a different name replace the
# word "default" on the line below with the desired name.
# A copy of the webpage can be put in the directory define by WEBPAGE_LOCAL_DIR.
# Change "none" to a valid directory to enable this feature.
# The webpage update rate defaults to once per sleep time. Change the value below
# to select a different rate.  The update rate is the number of times through the
# loader while loop before updating the webpage.  This value is ignored when events
# occur such as the tunnel going down or during startup.  The webpage is updated
# for all non normal runtime events.
Host webpage
HostName webserver_WAN_name
Port = 22
UserKnownHostsFile = /path/must/have/SSH_SERVER/name/in/it/known_hosts.webpage
User = user_login_name_on_server
IdentityFile = /path/must/have/SSH_SERVER/name/in/it/id_rsa.private_key_name